Source code for procsimulator.Knapsack

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]class Knapsack: def __init__(self, dates, items, bin_capacities, numbers, bins_maximum, items_maximum, baseload, fact, n_bins_per_hour, flexibilities): """ This class receives as input some arrays with information about the timeslots and the bins, as well as some global data (baseload, fact and n_bins_per_hour) Args: dates: array containing the bin in which the user wants to place the timeslot items: array containing the timeslot energy for each item of each timeslot bin_capacities: array containing the bin capactity of each bin numbers: array containing the number of the timeslot of each item of each timeslot bins_maximum: array containing the maximum power of the production of each bin items_maximum: array containing the maximum power of each item of each timeslot baseload: value that represents the value of energy that can be acquired from the grid in the 2nd step fact: minutes of each bin (e.g. if bins of 30 minutes, fact = 30) n_bins_per_hour: number of bins per hour (parameter of the strategy) to know the quantity of bins in a day (e.g. if bins of 30 minutes, n_bins_per_hour = 2) flexibilities: array contanining the flexibility of each item of each timeslot """ self.dates = dates self.items = items self.numbers = numbers self.baseload = baseload self.bin_capacities = bin_capacities self.bins_maximum = bins_maximum self.items_maximum = items_maximum self.fact = fact self.n_bins_per_hour = n_bins_per_hour self.flexibilities = flexibilities
[docs] def show_results(self, objective, title, type): """ Shows graphically the results (curves) of different objective functions, in order to understand their behaviour. Args: objective: objective function (equation) title: title of the graph type: "min" or "max", depending if want to identify the min or the max values of the function """ print(title) #plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 9, 16]) #plt.ylabel('some numbers') # Get the angles from 0 to 2 pie (360 degree) in narray object #X = [1, 2, 3, 4] X = np.arange(1, 200) # Using built-in trigonometric function we can directly plot # the given cosine wave for the given angles #Y1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] #Y2 = [1, 2, 3, 4] #sY3 = [1, 2, 3, 4] #Y4 = [1, 2, 3, 4] vec = np.vectorize(objective) Y1 = vec(X, 50) Y2 = vec(X, 100) Y3 = vec(X, 150) Y4 = vec(X, 200) # Initialise the subplot function using number of rows and columns figure, axis = plt.subplots(2, 2) figure.suptitle(title, fontsize=14) axis[0, 0].plot(X, Y1) axis[0, 0].set_title("A) C = 50") axis[0, 1].plot(X, Y2) axis[0, 1].set_title("B) C = 100") axis[1, 0].plot(X, Y3) axis[1, 0].set_title("C) C = 150") axis[1, 1].plot(X, Y4) axis[1, 1].set_title("D) C = 200") axis[0, 0].set(xlabel="Load", ylabel="F(Load)") axis[0, 1].set(xlabel="Load", ylabel="F(Load)") axis[1, 0].set(xlabel="Load", ylabel="F(Load)") axis[1, 1].set(xlabel="Load", ylabel="F(Load)") # type = "min" or "max" axis[0, 0].scatter(X[np.where(Y1 == type(Y1))], type(Y1), c='blue') axis[0, 1].scatter(X[np.where(Y2 == type(Y2))], type(Y2), c='blue') axis[1, 0].scatter(X[np.where(Y3 == type(Y3))], type(Y3), c='blue') axis[1, 1].scatter(X[np.where(Y4 == type(Y4))], type(Y4), c='blue')
[docs] def create_data_model(self): """ Creates the data model for the Multi Knapsack problem, according to the input received in the constructor Returns: data model (list with different arrays and values) """ data = {} #weights = [[48, 30, 42, 70, 20], [36, 36, 48], [42, 42, 11, 60], [24, 30, 30], [42, 36, 36, 10], [98, 70, 80]] #weights = [[42], [29], [74, 110], [73, 10]] weights = [[42], [29], [74], [110], [73], [10]] #values = [[10, 30, 25, 12, 15], [50, 35, 30], [15, 40, 30, 50], [35, 45, 10], [20, 30, 25, 70]] # dates = [[3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [12, 13, 14], [20, 21, 22, 23], [1, 2, 3]] dates = [[7], [8], [4], [3], [20], [16]] data['weights'] = self.items #data['values'] = values data['dates'] = self.dates data['numbers'] = self.numbers #data['items'] = list(range(len(weights))) data['items'] = list(range(len(self.items))) #data['num_items'] = len(weights) data['num_items'] = len(self.items) num_bins = len(self.bin_capacities) #num_bins = 6 data['bins'] = list(range(num_bins)) #data['bin_capacities'] = [30, 75, 105, 150, 80, 45] data['bin_capacities'] = self.bin_capacities #data['bin_capacities'] = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] data['bins_maximum'] = self.bins_maximum data['items_maximum'] = self.items_maximum data['baseload'] = self.baseload data['fact'] = self.fact data['n_bins_per_hour'] = self.n_bins_per_hour data['flexibilities'] = self.flexibilities return data
[docs] def execute_knapsack(self, step): """ Executes the Multi Knapsack problem in order to retrieve the optimal solution. 1) Creates the solver 2) Creates the data model (using the function create_data_model) 3) Defines the variables and matrix 4) Defines the constraint(s) 5) Defines the objective function(s) 6) Solves the problem 7) Gets the result 8) Gets some information from the output Args: step: 1 if refers to the 1st step of the optimization or 2 if refers to the 2nd one Returns: an array with 3 positions: array with all timeslots [0], array with the placed timeslots [1] and array with the unplaced timeslots [2] """ print("Data Acquisition") # Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend. solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP') data = self.create_data_model() # Variables # x[i, j] = 1 if item i is packed in bin j. x = {} for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): #for w in data['weights'][i]: for j in data['bins']: x[(i, p, (j+1))] = solver.IntVar(0, 1, 'x_%i_%i_%i' % (i, p, (j+1))) # Constraints # Each item can be in at most one bin. for i in data['items']: # for w in data['weights'][i]: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): sum = 0 for j in data['bins']: sum = sum + x[(i, p, (j+1))] solver.Add(sum <= 1) # The amount packed in each bin cannot exceed its capacity. for j in data['bins']: weight = 0 for i in data['items']: # for w in data['weights'][i]: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): w = data['weights'][i][p] weight = weight + w * x[(i, p, (j+1))] # if item in bin, x[(i, j)] = 1, otherwise x[(i, j)] = 0 #print(weight) #solver.Add(weight <= data['bin_capacities'][j]) solver.Add(weight <= data['bin_capacities'][j]) #solver.Add(sum(x[(i, j)] * data['weights'][i] for i in data['items']) <= data['bin_capacities'][j]) # each bin can have, at most, one timeslot ''' for j in data['bins']: sum = 0 for i in data['items']: for w in data['weights'][i]: sum = sum + x[(i, w, j)] solver.Add(sum <= 1) ''' # a bin can't contain more than one item of the same timeslot (each item of a timeslot should be in different bins) for j in data['bins']: for i in data['items']: sum = 0 # for w in data['weights'][i]: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): sum = sum + x[(i, p, (j+1))] solver.Add(sum <= 1) for i in data['items']: previous_bin = 0 for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): current_bin = 0 for j in data['bins']: current_bin = current_bin + (j+1) * x[(i, p, (j+1))] # if item in bin, x[(i, j)] = 1, otherwise x[(i, j)] = 0 if (p > 0): solver.Add(current_bin - previous_bin <= 1) solver.Add(current_bin - previous_bin >= 0) previous_bin = current_bin for i in data['items']: next_bin = 0 for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): current_bin = 0 for j in data['bins']: current_bin = current_bin + (j+1) * x[(i, (len(data['weights'][i])-1-p), (j+1))] # if item in bin, x[(i, j)] = 1, otherwise x[(i, j)] = 0 if (p > 0): solver.Add(next_bin - current_bin <= 1) solver.Add(next_bin - current_bin >= 0) next_bin = current_bin for j in data['bins']: max_sum = 0 max_bin = data['bins_maximum'][j] for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): max_sum = max_sum + data['items_maximum'][i][p] * x[(i, p, (j+1))] solver.Add(max_sum <= max_bin) for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): date = data['dates'][i][p] sum = 0 for j in data['bins']: sum = sum + ((j+1)-date) * x[(i, p, (j+1))] # if item in bin, x[(i, j)] = 1, otherwise x[(i, j)] = 0 #solver.Add(sum == 0) #solver.Add(sum >= -12*float(data['n_bins_per_hour'])*float(data['flexibilities'][i][p])) solver.Add(sum >= -float(data['n_bins_per_hour'])*float(data['flexibilities'][i][p])) #solver.Add(sum <= 12*float(data['n_bins_per_hour'])*float(data['flexibilities'][i][p])) solver.Add(sum <= float(data['n_bins_per_hour'])*float(data['flexibilities'][i][p])) # Objective objective = solver.Objective() if (step == 1): for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): val = data['weights'][i][p] for j in data['bins']: bin_capacity = data['bin_capacities'][j] objec = bin_capacity / val - bin_capacity - min(0, bin_capacity - val) objective.SetCoefficient(x[(i, p, (j+1))], objec) objective.SetMinimization() elif (step == 2): for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): val = data['weights'][i][p] for j in data['bins']: bin_capacity = data['bin_capacities'][j] objec = val + (bin_capacity-data['baseload']) objective.SetCoefficient(x[(i, p, (j+1))], objec) objective.SetMaximization() ''' for j in data['bins']: total = 0 bin_capacity = data['bin_capacities'][j] for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): val = data['weights'][i][p] sum = sum + val * x[(i, p, (j+1))] objec = bin_capacity / sum objective.SetMinimization() ''' placed_numbers = [] # Numbers of timeslots placed (to avoid having subitems of the same timeslot - just one subitem per timeslot) placed_timeslots = [] # timeslots placed in knapsack all_timeslots = [] # all timeslots not_placed_timeslots = [] # timeslots that are not placed first_item_date = "" for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): w = data['weights'][i][p] d = data['dates'][i][p] n = data['numbers'][i][p] flex = data['flexibilities'][i][p] max = data['items_maximum'][i][p] if (p == 0): # First item of the timeslot first_item_date = d all_timeslots.append(str(n) + "-" + str(p) + "-" + str(w) + "-" + str(d) + "-" + str(len(data['weights'][i])) + "-" + str(first_item_date) + "-" + str(max) + "-" + str(d) + "-" + str(flex)) print("solver") status = solver.Solve() if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL: print('Total packed value:', objective.Value()) total_weight = 0 for j in data['bins']: bin_weight = 0 print('Bin ', (j+1), '\n') for i in data['items']: for p in range(len(data['weights'][i])): w = data['weights'][i][p] d = data['dates'][i][p] n = data['numbers'][i][p] flex = data['flexibilities'][i][p] max = data['items_maximum'][i][p] if x[(i, p, (j+1))].solution_value() > 0: print('Timeslot', n, 'Item', p , '- weight:', w) bin_weight += w firstItemDate = (j + 1) - p if ((str(n)+"-"+str(p)) not in placed_numbers): placed_numbers.append(str(n)+"-"+str(p)) placed_timeslots.append(str(n) + "-" + str(p) + "-" + str(w) + "-" + str((j + 1)) + "-" + str(len(data['weights'][i])) + "-" + str(firstItemDate) + "-" + str(max) + "-" + str(d) + "-" + str(flex)) print('Packed bin weight: ', bin_weight) print('Bin capacity: ', data['bin_capacities'][j]) print() total_weight += bin_weight print('Total packed weight: ', total_weight) else: print('The problem does not have an optimal solution.') print('\nAdvanced usage:') print('Problem solved in %f milliseconds' % solver.wall_time()) print('Problem solved in %d iterations' % solver.iterations()) print('Problem solved in %d branch-and-bound nodes' % solver.nodes()) #not_placed_timeslots = [item for item in allTimeslots if item not in placedTimeslots] #not_placed_timeslots = allTimeslots[(allTimeslots.split("-")[0]+"-"+allTimeslots.split("-")[1]) not in placedNumbers] not_placed_timeslots = [] for tim in all_timeslots: if ((tim.split("-")[0]+"-"+tim.split("-")[1]) not in placed_numbers): not_placed_timeslots.append(tim) ''' objective1 = lambda t, bin_capacity: t / bin_capacity self.show_results(objective1, "F(L) = L/C ", max); objective2 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t - (0.5 * max(0, t - bin_capacity) + 0.5 * abs(min(0, t - bin_capacity))) self.show_results(objective2, "F(L) = C/L - (0.5*max(0,L-C) + 0.5*abs(min(0, L-C)))", max); objective3 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t - (0.2 * max(0, t - bin_capacity) + 0.8 * abs(min(0, t - bin_capacity))) self.show_results(objective3, "F(L) = C/L - (0.2*max(0,L-C) + 0.8*abs(min(0, L-C)))", max); objective4 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t - (0.8 * max(0, t - bin_capacity) + 0.2 * abs(min(0, t - bin_capacity))) self.show_results(objective4, "F(L) = C/L - (0.8*max(0,L-C) + 0.2*abs(min(0, L-C)))", max); objective5 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity * (1/t - 1) self.show_results(objective5, "F(L) = C/L - C = 1/L * C - C = C*(1/L - 1)", min); objective6 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity/t - t*(bin_capacity/t) self.show_results(objective6, "F(L) = C/L - L*(C/L) = (1-L)*(C/L)", min); objective7 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t * (1 - t) - min(0, bin_capacity - t) self.show_results(objective7, "F(L) = C/L - L*C/L - min(0, C-L) = C/L*(1-L) - min(0, C-L) = C/L - C - min(0, C-L)", min); objective8 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t - min(0, bin_capacity - t) self.show_results(objective8, "F(L) = C/L - min(0, C-L)", min); objective9 = lambda t, bin_capacity: bin_capacity / t - t - min(0, bin_capacity - t) self.show_results(objective9, "F(L) = C/L - L - min(0, C-L)", min); ''' return [all_timeslots, placed_timeslots, not_placed_timeslots];
#print(objective6(100, 100)) #b = {'a': 20, 'b': 20, 'c': 15, 'd': 10, 'e': 3, 'f': 2} #bins = binpacking.to_constant_volume(b, 12) #print("===== dict\n", b, "\n", bins) #b = list(b.values()) #bins = binpacking.to_constant_bins(b, 4) #print("===== list\n", b, "\n", bins)